Sometimes asthma can make you feel like you’re trapped. These seven asthma control tips really work and can help you take back your life!


Did you know that over 25 million individuals have asthma in the U.S.? What’s more, is that it’s more common in children than adults.

What causes it? No one really knows. One thing’s for sure, though—it can be debilitating.

Fortunately, however, many treatment options are available. But wait, is there anything that you can do besides taking medication?

The answer is yes. As it turns out, there are several things that you can do to manage the symptoms.

In fact, that’s what we’re here to talk about. So be sure to keep on reading—we’ll be going over some asthma control tips that can help!

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the lungs. In healthy individuals, air travels into the lungs through the airways with every breath that you take. 

In those with asthma, however, the airways swell up. Not only that, but they can fill with mucus. As a result, breathing becomes difficult.  

Symptoms of Asthma 

The most common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. While it depends on the individual, some symptoms can worsen during exercise.

It’s important to note, however, that everyone’s condition is different. Visit the doctor if you suspect that you’re having an asthma attack.

Common Asthma Triggers 

Certain things can exacerbate asthma. For instance, it’s not uncommon for irritants such as odors and smokes to trigger symptoms. Allergens such as pollen and animal dander can also cause symptoms.

Illnesses, such as pneumonia and the flu can trigger asthma attacks as well.

Treatment Options for Asthma 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma. However, there are medications that you can take to control symptoms. Generally speaking, there are two types—quick-relief inhalers and long-term inhalers.

Quick-relief inhalers are exactly what they sound like—they provide relieve in the event of an asthma attack. Put it simply, they open up the airways so that you can breathe again.

For this reason, an individual should always take their quick-relief inhaler with them wherever they go.

In contrast, preventative medications are used on a regular basis to prevent symptoms.

6 Asthma Control Tips That Can Help

Just because you have asthma doesn’t mean that you have to let it interfere with your daily life. Here are a few things that you can do that can help!

1. Know Your Triggers 

As mentioned earlier, it’s not uncommon for certain triggers to lead to an asthma attack. Given that, it’s crucial that you know your triggers—that way, you’ll be able to avoid them.

The best way to identify them is to keep track of what triggers your symptoms. Write them down in a diary if you have to. You never know, you might just find a pattern.

Alternatively, you can go to your doctor for an allergy test.

2. Take Your Medications As Prescribed  

It’s important to take your asthma medications as directed by your doctor. In other words, don’t stop using your inhaler just because you “feel better.”

As it is, you won’t feel any different when you’re using your long-term medication. After all, that’s how it works—it prevents you from having an asthma attack.

Remember, asthma is a chronic disease. Your symptoms can easily come back if you stop using your inhaler.

3. Quit Smoking 

Smoking is one of the worst things that you can do if you have asthma. Not only does cigarette smoke irritate the airways, but it also causes the lungs to create more mucus.

As a result, flare-ups will happen more often. In addition to that, smoking can also reduce the efficacy of asthma medications.

Given that, it’s easy to see why you want to quit smoking. Even if you don’t smoke, make an effort to avoid second-hand smoke exposure. If anything, it’s just as harmful to your lungs!

4. Use Your Inhalers Properly 

Make sure that you know how to use your inhaler properly. You won’t get the dose that you need if your technique is incorrect—that can lead to poor control of your asthma.

If necessary, ask your healthcare provider to show you how to use your inhaler. Consider using it in front of them—that way, they can offer suggestions if necessary.

5. Exercise Regularly 

Exercise can help with asthma. How? It can strengthen your breathing muscles, which can make you more resistant to attacks. On top of that, it can boost your immune system.

Don’t exercise if you’re currently experiencing symptoms, though. The key is to start once your asthma is under control. To be on the safe side, you should always have your rescue inhaler with you.

6. Get Your Flu Shot

Viruses such as the ones that cause the flu can affect your airways. In fact, it’s not uncommon for these infections to lead to asthma symptoms.

Considering that, it’s highly recommended that you get the flu shot every year. That will minimize your risk of catching the flu, which can result in a flare-up.

Other things that you can do include washing your hands frequently and getting enough sleep.

Managing Your Asthma Symptoms 

And there we have it—six asthma control tips! As you can see, there are a number of things that you can do to control your symptoms. If anything, you always want to have your rescue medication on hand—you never know when you might need it!

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