A box spring’s greatest strength is shock absorption, thanks to its coil and wood construction. Foundations look a lot like box springs and are often mistaken for them. The difference is that a base is made entirely of wood or metal around the sides, with slats across the top for protection. However, the bed frame will usually be used as a base.

Box springs and foundations are essentially an extra layer of protection and shock absorption under your mattress. A platform bed has a sturdy bottom and supports the mattress. They are usually lower to the ground and do not need a base or box spring.

Wear-and-tear on top of your box spring is inevitable, just as it is for your mattresses. The older springs will eventually sag, signaling that it’s time to find a suitable replacement.

Reasons to Use a Box Spring

Improved Airflow                                                                 

Box springs are relatively hollow, apart from the coils and wood support inside, so it is necessary to protect your mattress. When you use a box spring, more air circulates your mattress, and if it’s well-designed, air will even circulate through it. Airflow is an important factor in keeping you calm at night and allowing you to sleep better, so don’t overlook it. 

Increased Height

Despite the recent trend of sleeping lower to the ground, many people still want something higher. A box spring will help you reach a comfortable height if you’re tall, have joint pain, or have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

Support for Your Mattress

Some bed frames don’t have enough support for your mattress, causing it to sag. Coil spring mattress warranties can enable you to use a box spring to extend the life of your mattress. Check your mattress warranty because if you don’t use a box spring and it’s needed, you may miss those benefits. 

Shock Absorption

Another advantage of a box spring is that it absorbs shock. A box spring absorbs some of the force to protect your mattress when you plop down on your mattress, toss and turn at night due to sleep anxiety, or when your dog jumps up for cuddles. As a result, the box spring extends the life of your mattress.

There’s nothing under your mattress if you leave it on the floor or use it without a box spring to absorb some of the force. You could find yourself getting rid of your mattress sooner than you expected.

You Have a Collapsible Bed Frame

Various bed frames require the usage of the box jump. You’ll understand why if you’ve ever used a collapsible frame. The mattress will slump and be uncomfortable if there isn’t enough support in the middle. A box spring is needed for any bed frame that isn’t completely solid or has a support system in the middle.

When a Box Spring Isn’t Necessary

Despite the advantages, using a box spring isn’t always necessary. Many modern bed frames are designed to function without them and already provide adequate support. It’s up to you whether or not to use one, but bear in mind what kind of mattress or bed frame you might use instead.

Under Memory Foam, Latex, and Hybrid Mattresses

Memory foam, silicone, and hybrid mattresses don’t need the same amount of shock absorption as coil mattresses. They are already shock absorbent due to the materials used in their construction. Box springs merely alter the feel of the mattress and provide no discernible gain.

Check the warranty on any of the mattresses listed above before buying. Unlike coil mattresses, which frequently need box springs, some foam mattress warranties are voided if a box spring is used.

On Platform Beds

Platform beds have a concrete surface on which the mattress is placed. Box springs aren’t necessary unless you want a taller bed, as the bed frame provides a strong support structure. Platform beds are normally lower to the ground, making it difficult to get out of in the morning for those with joint or back pain. A box spring might be useful in this situation, even if only for the increased height.

Collapsible Metal Frame

A boxspring is needed with a collapsible metal frame. Without a box spring, the mattress will obtain inadequate protection, not to mention void the warranty, since there is no support for the mattress outside the perimeter frame.

Reinforced Metal Bed Frame

A strengthened metal frame would not need a boxspring and would be more accommodating than a collapsible metal frame. The additional metal supports around the frame help to distribute weight evenly across the frame. This prevents the mattress from sagging or wearing unevenly and provides the same level of comfort as a conventional box spring.

Platform Bed Frame – Solid

Since platform beds have a solid surface, they do not need a boxspring. By offering a stable base, this solid surface achieves the same purpose as the box spring.

Platform Bed Frame – Slats

Some platform beds differ slightly from conventional platform beds. Instead of a strong base, these depend on slats for support. This frame does not need a box spring as long as the slats are close enough together to fulfill the mattress warranty.

Adjustable Bed Frame

If you have an adjustable foundation, you will not need a box spring. Adjustable foundations allow the mattress to shift height and angle, reducing stress on your back, internal organs, and breathing. One thing to note: Adjustable foundations cannot support most innerspring mattresses.

Bunkie Board

A Bunkie board is a thin solid-surface sheet that lies between your mattress and your bed frame. It is similar to a platform bed in that it offers a stable base and removes the need for a box spring.

Low Profile Foundation

A low-profile boxspring functions similarly to a conventional box spring, but its height is usually half that of a traditional box spring.


Overall, there are a lot of situations where you can skip the boxspring and just put your mattress on the foundation. The different manufacturers have a different foundation or base recommendation for their mattresses. If you don’t pay attention to the policies of each mattress manufacturer, your mattress warranty can be voided.

Getting rid of the box spring entirely or replacing it with a low-profile, thinner alternative will give your bed a cleaner look while still providing the same level of support as a conventional box spring.

However Innerspring mattress and box springs work better together as while using an innerspring mattress a lot of stress is unloaded on its coils, but with a box spring as a base for the innerspring, it absorbs some of the shocks of the innerspring thus improving its durability.