Having a child with your partner is one of the most bonding experiences that two people can have together. However, along with the bonding, can also come a considerable amount of stress on your relationship. 

It can become challenging to keep your marriage alive when you’ve got someone else to look after outside of the marriage. Going from husband and wife to mommy and daddy can be a slippery slope if you don’t know how to manage the transition. 

The good news is that there are ways to keep your marriage on track despite the challenges that kids can present. Take a look at some of the best tips for keeping your marriage alive after having kids. 

Make An Effort On Your Appearance 

When you have a new baby, you may not have time to do things like shower… or even sleep!  It’s understandable that your appearance may lag a little bit during the first few weeks of your baby’s life. However, it’s important not to fall into bad habits of letting yourself go. 

While appearances aren’t everything in life, it’s not an excuse to stop caring about intimacy. In order to show your partner that you appreciate them, you should still make an effort on how you look. Whether that means getting waxed, putting on a little makeup, or even putting on a clean shirt every day; the point is to make an effort so that your partner still finds you attractive.  They should do the same for you too!

Take Time To Connect 

It’s important that you take time for each other outside of family moments. While family moments are no doubt an important part of keeping your relationship strong, so is alone time.  Make sure that you dedicate at least a few hours a week to spending one on one time with your partner. 

This can be anything from watching a TV show together after the kids are in bed, too getting a babysitter and going out to dinner. The idea is having uninterrupted one on one time without distractions or kids. 

Physical Affection 

When you’re spending so much time being “mommy and daddy,” it’s easy to lose sight of who you are as a couple. However, it’s important that you take time to be loving with each other. A little goes a long way when it comes to physical affection. 

Something as simple as a kiss on the cheek or a hug can go a long way with your partner. Remind them that you care and that you’re more than just roommates; you’re lovers! 


If there’s one thing that any relationship can benefit from, whether you have kids or not, it’s remembering how to laugh together. As the years go by, you may lose that initial flirtation; however, if you’re best friends, that will never go away. Don’t forget to laugh together and genuinely enjoy your time as two friends.