If there is one thing that every parent wants for their children, it’s for them to feel happy and confident. We all get to adulthood filled with anxiety and worry, so for our children to feel confident and assured, we get excited by that and we encourage it as much as possible. At all ages, children are able to feel happy and confident in themselves, and as parents we must do all that we can to speak their confidence into existence. 

When you consider how you felt when you were a child, you have to think about how you want your children to feel. Think about a time where you felt great about yourself, and then remember that you want your children to feel that way, too. If they have issues with self-confidence, you can talk about how their hair can be styled to make them feel great, and you can talk about the fact that gummy smiles can be corrected if they are self-conscious with that. You need to be the guiding light for your children in their quest for acceptance and we’ve got several tips to help them feel confident.

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  1. Help them to love themselves. Self image is a thing that your kids need to improve if they’re going to grow in their confidence. Your children should be able to look inside the mirror and smile at their beautiful selves. Words hurt when bullies are around, and you are your child’s main sense of self-worth. You have to make a point of ensuring that your child loves themselves and you can do it with frequent conversations about their happiness and how they feel within themselves.
  2. Watch their behavior. If their behavior is deteriorating, the chances are that they will be dealing with something that is hurting their feelings elsewhere. Check in regularly with your children about their school friends and social circles, and make sure that they’re not having any difficulties in these areas.
  3. Be there. It’s the easiest and yet the hardest thing to do for your kids. Being there for them takes time from you but yet it’s the best thing that you can do to raise a happy and confident child. You know that your children will be exposed to negative influences from time to time, but you can still work through things with them!
  4. Practice attachment. From infancy, practicing attachment parenting can really help you to raise a grounded and happy child. From babywearing to breastfeeding, being as close to your child as possible is going to help you raise a child who is ready and able to tackle the world as they get older.

Your children deserve to feel happy and secure in all that they do and it’s these tips that will help you to feel good about it. You want to attach yourself to your children so that they feel confident and able to tackle anything, knowing that you have their back. Take these tips and roll with them!